Recommendations you'll really love from people you really know!

From your favorite beauty products and services, vacation spots, restaurants, workouts, books & podcasts, even your go-to healthcare providers and wellness gurus, you can save and easily share with your friends… all in one handy place!

TruFaves cuts through the noise to help you find great recommendations.

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Olivia Rhye

(TF User / Skincare Enthusiast)

"I love sharing my favorite things with friends... and when it comes to getting recommendations, I'll trust people I know over anonymous reviews and influencers any day! My friends have great taste and they know what I like."

Need to find a skin care product that really works? Or the best place for that important business lunch? Ask your friends on TruFaves!

Just ask for a Fave and let the recommendations roll in!

Keep all your faves in one place

TruFaves takes the uncertainty out of recommendations... and makes sharing them quick, easy, & private.

Meet the Founder

Alison Gorman

Alison Gorman served 4 years in the U.S. Navy as a Nurse Corps Officer before diving headfirst into the world of TV news reporting, landing her dream job within 4 years. Along the way, she has accomplished many more goals, including a medical mission to Haiti, anchoring special reports focusing on health problems in the community, and being awarded a VIP health hero award.

The idea for TruFaves was born in a New York City apartment after a night out with friends who are constantly swapping recommendations and looking for an easier way to do so. After a lot of research, some development trial and error, and a beta test, TruFaves was ready to launch.

TruFaves is all about real reviews from real people

Despite increased ad spend being sent in the direction of influencer marketing, most people do not trust influencers, and that trust is declining!

regularly ask friends for recommendations
of people distrust influencer marketing
trust social media less than they did 2 years ago
We know that privacy is important to our users - and we value that trust

We don't sell your information.

We don't bombard you with advertisements.

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